Success stories
1) Bringing back to life the configurator gauge of a Mirage F-1C.
The customer want to use it in the static operation simulator of the Mirage F-1C that he is building.He want the gauge to do all the land and takeoff cycle when moves the landing gear switch and the beep sound that all mirage have when the landing gear locks.The same with slats and flaps.All the gauge internals were constructed from the beginning . The very rare micro 5v bulps were replaced with LEDs and an arduino-based control box was built for gauge functions as well as a new wiring harness.
2) The customer sent us a AN/APR-36 RWR that bought from internet and wanted to put a photo in the position of the screen with symbols from a rwr in operation to use it in his Mirage F-1 cockpit static cockpit
We suggested instead of a photo to make it play a video from a rwr of that era.The client accepted our proposal, so we removed all the old electronics and replace the burnt CRT screen with an LCD and drive it with a raspberry programmed to loop a video of a real rwr in action.
And this was the result!!!!!!!!
3) One more Mirage F-1 gauge in our lab.This is the lighting control gauge and the customer wants to make it work again for use in his cockpit (he has all the front section of the Mirage and want to make the lighting work again.)The gauge was in a very bad condition with all the internals badly damage from some fail attempt that someone did.The backlight was only working in the top right because of damage in the wiring.The faceplate is worn out from the intense use, but the customer wants to let it like that to retain the original used feeling.So we remove all the damage internals and install some modern electronics.Also we install new wiring in the faceplate and now the backlight is working again.